Health and Safety in the Workplace Level 2 (VTQ)

75 videos, 3 hours and 24 minutes

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Supply of Machinery (Safety) Regulations 2008

Video 12 of 75
1 min 15 sec
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Understanding the Supply of Machinery Safety Regulations 2008

Overview of the Regulations

The Supply of Machinery Safety Regulations 2008 cover the safety requirements for new machinery and products. These regulations ensure:

  • Design and construction of machinery to be safe and meet essential health and safety requirements
  • Presence of technical file, conformity markings (UKCA or CE mark), and correct labelling
  • Provision of comprehensive instructions in English or assembly instructions for partly completed machinery
  • Accompanying declaration of conformity (or declaration of incorporation for partly completed machinery)

Compliance and Enforcement

Compliance and enforcement of these regulations involve:

  • Initial use covered by conformity marking; subsequent use and maintenance are governed by appropriate regulations
  • HSE (Health and Safety Executive) and local trading standards enforce these regulations based on the equipment's field of use
  • HSE oversees products intended for workplace use, ensuring compliance with safety standards