Health and Safety in the Workplace Level 2 (VTQ)

75 videos, 3 hours and 24 minutes

Course Content

LOLER Regulations

Video 11 of 75
3 min 35 sec
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Understanding LOLER Regulations

Introduction to LOLER

In this video, we cover LOLER, which stands for Lifting Operations and Lifting Equipment Regulations. These regulations impose responsibilities on individuals and companies involved with lifting equipment.

Key Responsibilities under LOLER

LOLER requires that all lifting equipment:

  • Must be appropriate and fit for purpose
  • Operations must be properly planned by a competent person
  • Operations must be carried out under suitable supervision
  • Must ensure safe operation at all times

Risk Assessment and Management

When assessing risks under LOLER:

  • Consider the type, weight, and shape of the load
  • Evaluate risks of the load falling or striking objects or people
  • Assess consequences of equipment failure or overturning during use
  • Ensure ergonomic considerations to accommodate operators safely

Compliance Requirements

All lifting equipment must:

  • Meet essential health and safety requirements for new equipment
  • Be strong and stable enough for intended loads
  • Clearly indicate safe working loads and usage characteristics on markings
  • Be serviced and examined regularly by competent personnel

Records of examinations and service reports must be kept for inspection by the HSE.

Types of Equipment Covered by LOLER

LOLER applies to a variety of lifting equipment, including:

  • Vehicle inspection hoists
  • Passenger lifts in office buildings
  • Automated storage and retrieval systems
  • Bath hoists in nursing homes