TQUK Level 2 Award in Health and Safety in the Workplace (RQF)

74 videos, 3 hours and 19 minutes

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Health & Safety Training Requirements

Video 34 of 74
2 min 18 sec
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Training is important in everyone’s job role and what training is required will depend on the risk assessments, policies and procedures of the business. There are many different training courses that could be required which may include how to use a machine, manual handling, fire safety, infection control, COSHH or the use of personal protective equipment to name a few.

It is important for an employee to be taught how to do their job correctly and safely. Training may be in the form of a training course, online training, at work training, reading, research or discussions and supervision at work.

It is usual that attendance at a training course is a requirement if told to do so by your employer and you must practice what you have been taught. There is no point training staff if they do not have to do what they have been taught to do. The risk assessments are carried out and training is one area that is identified and the action will be to ensure that the relevant staff are trained at intervals that are identified in the risk assessment.

One special area of health and safety training is first aid. There are two main types of courses that first aiders can attend. The first one is a 3-day course called “The First Aid at Work Course” the other is a 1-day course “EFAW - Emergency First Aid at Work Course”. There is also the Appointed person's course which is for additional first aid staff who are able to identify first aid emergencies and get the appropriate help and deal with the situation before more help arrives. Appointed people are usually fine in businesses that employ a few people and are low risk.

The course that first aiders attend depends on the risk assessments done by the company, the size of the organisation, absence, sick leave, remoteness of the site, multiple sites and the types of accident or illness that could happen.

Companies can have a variety of first aiders; sometimes they may have people who have attended the full 3-day course and others who have just attended the 1-day course. They may also have employees who have just done basic first aid, this is to ensure as many people as possible have first aid experience. In high-risk cases, the first aid trained staff may have advanced training in dealing with different accidents.