TQUK Level 2 Award in Health and Safety in the Workplace (RQF)

74 videos, 3 hours and 19 minutes

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Shelves and storage

Video 70 of 74
2 min 24 sec
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In this video, we are going to look at shelving and general storage. Now here, this is our warehouse for our first aid supplies but we could also have this for files or in an office, or it could be any type of shelving in a shop or a retail outlet. And the thing with shelving, you need to make sure it's fit for purpose to start with. So this is all rated per shelf load, so if you are buying shelving, always make sure that you know the sorts of weights you are going to be putting on to it. This stuff here is relatively light weight but it has got quite a high load factor on it.

So always by the shelving that is correct for the load and if you are not sure about the load on it, often they will have stickers on it or you can contact the manufacturer and find out the maximum load capacity on it. And when you are setting the shelving out make sure that the shelves are put in the correct place and also that you stack the shelves with the weighted products at the correct level. So I made the heaviest stuff towards the bottom where you can maybe easily put it onto a trolley. If you are putting stuff higher up on something, then obviously you make sure it is safe. So that when you are pulling it down, it can be pulled down safely and you are not going to have any problems there.

Any shelving like this also needs to be checked. So you will do maintenance checks on it, to making sure that firstly it has not moved, there is no buckling there is no problems within the joints on it. The wood, as the shelf part on it has not moved or lifted out of its holders and also there's no other physical damage and maybe someone has not come along and hit into it with a truck or something like that. Then that's something that could be a potential hazard risk. Also look at anything that would possibly catch on you.

So if there was something very tight... The cut out on here on one of the brackets had broken, then it may well be that you walked past and you could cut yourself quite badly just from the sharp part on the edge of the racking. So you would need to go through and do regular inspections to make sure it's okay. But also if you are involved in working with the shelf, picking product off, putting it on, the whole time you are doing it, always do a quick check, just so that you know what's what and you are aware of any changes that could have happened or cause any problems. And finally, if you are moving stuff off or putting stuff on, always make sure you use correct manual handling techniques when lifting on and off the shelving and if it is anything that is up as height, you may need to use steps. And again, if you do use steps, make sure those steps are fit for purpose and your using them in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions.