Infection Control and Health and Safety

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In the workplace you may be put at risk from infections, infection control is a course all on its own but the basics of infection control are to make sure that any body fluid or blood doesn’t come into contact with you. In health and safety, we need to look at all hazards and depending on what area you work infection risks will vary. In the medical sector, this is a major concern as they are dealing with fluids or people on a daily basis. The average office will usually only have an issue with a first aid or illness situation.

The sorts of infections we are looking at are Hepatitis, HIV and other blood-borne infection. Good infection control can also protect us from other more common and not as serious conditions like the common cold or flu. We need to treat anybody fluid as potentially hazardous and take extreme care and protect ourselves.

The way we protect ourselves is through Personal Protective Equipment (PPE). The most common of these are gloves, if you’re ever approaching somebody you need to make sure you’re wearing gloves, any blood or fluid from someone else could be a potential infection source.

Your skin is a natural barrier, however, if you have any cuts or breaks in the skin this could be an easy route for infection to enter the body. Infections can also enter your body via anybody opening including your eyes.

Good advice is to keep your hands clean, wash your hands regularly or use gels and wipes.

Make sure in any case where there’s a risk of infection you follow workplace protocols, you wear protective equipment and if you have any queries or doubts you ask your manager for more information.