TQUK Level 2 Award in Health and Safety in the Workplace (RQF)

74 videos, 3 hours and 19 minutes

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HSE enforcement and Coronavirus

Video 18 of 74
2 min 24 sec
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HSE Statement on Occupational Health and Safety during COVID-19

Overview of HSE Response

The Health and Safety Executive (HSE) has released a statement outlining their approach to regulating occupational health and safety during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Key Points from the HSE Statement

  • Remote Operations: HSE has transitioned to remote operations to ensure continuity while protecting staff and stakeholders.
  • Compliance Responsibility: Duty holders are still responsible for compliance with health and safety legal requirements.
  • Regulatory Oversight: HSE continues to oversee how duty holders meet their responsibilities, adapting flexibly to pandemic challenges.
  • Investigations and Interventions: HSE will investigate work-related incidents using technology where possible and conduct on-site visits adhering to social distancing guidelines.
  • Updates and Communication: Regular updates on regulatory activities and guidelines are available on the HSE website.

Further Information

For full details on the HSE’s approach during COVID-19, visit the HSE website. Access the statement in the download area of your ProTrainings dashboard.