Occupational Health

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In the workplace, it is also important to monitor and care for the occupational health of all employees. The HSE reports that in 2008 and 2009 showed that around about 1.2 million people in the UK suffered from illnesses caused by or made worse at work.

There were about 29.3 million working days lost in 2007 & 2008 due to work-related ill-health. These occupational health hazards included physical hazards from noise, dust, vibration or temperature, chemical hazards including acids, cleaning agents, paints, biological Hazards including food problems, poisoning, bacterial infections, work-related hazards, ergonomic problems to do with how you are seated and the position of equipment around you.

Common examples of occupational illness include:

  • Heat stroke where people are outside in the sun for a long period of time
  • Asbestosis where people are exposed to asbestos
  • Dermatitis, which are problems with the skin
  • Upper limb disorders, where people are doing repetitive actions, this could be in a factory or maybe just people typing on a keyboard.
  • Respiratory problems, where peoples asthma is made worse or caused in the workplace. Noise, where the hearing is affected.
  • Vibrations that can cause problems with their hands or other body parts
  • Also, infections can be a problem, this can be anything from diarrhoea to nausea and vomiting or more serious conditions.

It is estimated that 11.4 million working days are lost every year in the UK due to stress. This stress can be caused by the pure stress of work. It could also be bullying or victimisation. Stress can also lead to other problems, such as drink or drug abuse. It is the responsibility of the employee and the employer to make sure that any possible stress conditions are reduced. Also, if it has been identified then the appropriate action has been taken to try and reduce this to help the employee. Cases of bullying and victimisation should be stopped immediately.