Healthcare Health and Safety Level 2 (VTQ)

57 videos, 2 hours and 32 minutes

Course Content

Safe Use of Bedrails

Video 20 of 57
2 min 31 sec
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Managing Risks of Bed Rails in Care Settings

Importance of Bed Rails in Care Settings

Understanding their role in preventing falls.

Bed rails are crucial in care homes, hospitals, and home care settings to reduce the risk of falls.

When used correctly, they are effective; however, they come with associated risks that must be managed.

Regulations and Risks

Ensuring compliance and understanding potential hazards.

  • Regulatory Compliance: Bed rails must adhere to the “Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations 1998” and guidelines from the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency.
  • Usage Restrictions: Bed rails should not restrict movement or act as restraints.
  • Educating Families and Employees: Awareness of risks and regulations is essential.

Preventing Entrapment

Minimising the risk of limbs getting caught.

  • Ensuring Compatibility: Gaps between bed rails and mattress should be less than 60mm.
  • Gap Requirements: If reducing gaps is not feasible, maintain a gap of at least 318mm to prevent entrapment.
  • Asphyxiation Risk: Large gaps are crucial to avoid severe incidents like asphyxiation.

Preventing Falls Over Bed Rails

Reducing risks of climbing or rolling accidents.

  • Height Considerations: Ensure a minimum height of 220mm between mattress and top of rail.
  • Adjustments: Measure and adjust rail height when changing mattresses.

By following these guidelines, care settings can enhance the safety of bed rail usage, reducing accidents and ensuring better care for residents.