Healthcare Health and Safety Level 2 (VTQ)

57 videos, 2 hours and 32 minutes

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Use of Force and Common Law

Video 47 of 57
1 min 41 sec
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Understanding the Right to Use Force: Common Law in the UK

Overview of Common Law on Use of Force

Exploring when the use of force is permissible under common law.

Examples: Sporting contests and self-defence scenarios.

Self-Defence and Protection

Legal rights regarding self-defence and defence of others.

  • Right to Protect Oneself: Using reasonable force to repel an attack.
  • Pre-emptive Strike: Circumstances where initiating force may be justified.

Guidelines and Legislation

Interpreting laws and guidelines on the use of force.

  • Criminal Law Act 1967: Allows for reasonable force in crime prevention and lawful arrests.
  • Key Consideration: The principle of 'reasonableness' in determining lawful use of force.
  • Legal Caution: Exceeding reasonable force constitutes a criminal offence.

Understanding these legal principles ensures compliance with common law regarding the use of force in various situations.